6th Jul 2017 10 minutes read An Introduction to Using SQL Aggregate Functions with JOINs Francisco Claria aggregate functions JOIN SQL basics Table of Contents What Do SQL Aggregate Functions Do? Parent-Child JOINs Aggregate + GROUP BY + JOIN MIN + GROUP BY + JOIN SUM + GROUP BY + JOIN COUNT + GROUP BY + JOIN AVERAGE + GROUP BY + JOIN AVG + GROUP BY + JOINS Filtering Results Using the JOIN Predicate Using WHERE Conditions Using HAVING Conditions Dealing with NULLs A Final Tip on Working with SQL Aggregate Functions Previously, we've discussed the use of SQL aggregate functions with the GROUP BY statement. Regular readers of the our blog will also remember our recent tutorial about JOINs. If you're a bit rusty on either subject, I encourage you to review them before continuing this article. That's because we will dig further into aggregate functions by pairing them with JOINs. This duo unleashes the full possibilities of SQL aggregate functions and allows us to perform computations on multiple tables in a single query. What Do SQL Aggregate Functions Do? Here's a quick overview of the most common SQL aggregate functions: FUNCTIONPURPOSEEXAMPLE MIN Returns the smallest value in a column. SELECT MIN(column) FROM table_name MAX Returns the largest value in a column SELECT MAX(column) FROM table_name SUM Calculates the sum of all numeric values in a column SELECT SUM(column) FROM table_name AVG Returns the average value for a column SELECT AVG(column) FROM table_name COUNT(column) Counts the number of non-null values in a column SELECT COUNT(column) FROM table_name COUNT(*) Counts the total number of rows (including NULLs) in a column SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table_name It's also important to remember that the GROUP BY statement, when used with aggregates, computes values that have been grouped by column. (For more info, see SQL Aggregate Functions: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners.) We can use GROUP BY with any of the above functions. For instance, we use the MIN() function in the example below: SELECT MIN(column_name) FROM table_name GROUP BY group_column This would retrieve the minimum value found in column_name for each set of values in a group based on the group_column column. The same idea applies for MAX, SUM, AVG, and COUNT functions. Parent-Child JOINs Now let's dig into some common situations where you will use group by JOINs with aggregate functions. If you've read A Beginner's Guide to SQL Aggregate Functions, the following diagram will already be familiar: If you have used this model before (e.g. doing the examples from the previous article) please be sure to clear any existing records from your table. You can do this by executing the following commands: TRUNCATE cities; TRUNCATE users; Let's enter some fresh data into the tables: INSERT INTO `cities` VALUES (1,'Miami'), (2,'Orlando'), (3,'Las Vegas'), (4,'Coyote Springs'); INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (1,1,'John','Doe',22), (2,1,'Albert','Thomson',15), (3,2,'Robert','Ford',65), (4,3,'Samantha','Simpson',9), (5,2,'Carlos','Bennet',42), (6,2,'Mirtha','Lebrand',81), (7,3,'Alex','Gomez',31); So we have a table called users and another table called cities. These two tables have something in common: a numerical city id value. This value is stored in the id column in the cities table and in the city_id column in the users table. The city_id column holds a reference (a.k.a. a foreign key) that connects a user record to a city. These matching records allow us to JOIN both tables together. In other words, we know a user's city when we grab the record from the cities table that has an id value equal to the value in users.city_id . In the following query, we can see this in action: SELECT cities.*, users.* FROM cities JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id; cities  users cityname id city_id id first_name last_name age Miami 1 1 1 John Doe 22 Miami 1 1 2 Albert Thomson 15 Orlando 2 2 3 Robert Ford 65 Las Vegas 3 3 4 Samantha Simpson 9 Orlando 2 2 5 Carlos Bennet 42 Orlando 2 2 6 Mirtha Lebrand 81 Las Vegas 3 3 7 Alex Gomez 31 Since the users table connects to one city via the city_id foreign key, we can say that a user belongs to a city and thus the city has many users. This is a parent-child relationship (cities-users); the users table shares a link to the cities table. With this relationship in mind, let’s move on and see how we can compute some interesting summarized data that links both tables together. Aggregate + GROUP BY + JOIN Now let's start addressing some practical situations where we will be GROUPing values from JOINed tables. MIN + GROUP BY + JOIN Computing values based on child records that are grouped by a parent column is pretty common. Let's build a query that will retrieve the lowest users.age (child record) for each cityname (parent record): SELECT cities.cityname, MIN(users.age) FROM cities JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname This will return: cityname MIN(users.age) Las Vegas 9 Miami 15 Orlando 42 There's something very important to point out about the way JOIN works. It will be more obvious if we look at all cities: SELECT cities.cityname FROM cities cityname Coyote Springs Las Vegas Miami Orlando As you can see, "Coyote Springs" was not listed before because it has no users. If you wanted to get that city listed in the summarized results, you should use a LEFT JOIN instead: SELECT cities.cityname, MIN(users.age) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname This will return: cityname MIN(users.age) Coyote Springs null Las Vegas 9 Miami 15 Orlando 42 Whether this makes sense or not will depend on your use case, but it’s important that you keep this situation in mind when joining tables. MAX + GROUP BY + JOINS We can find the greatest age for each city using the MAX() function: SELECT cities.cityname, MAX(users.age) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname The query above will retrieve: cityname MAX(users.age) Coyote Springs null Las Vegas 31 Miami 22 Orlando 81 Note that I have used LEFT JOIN. I want a list of all the cities, not only those with associated user records. SUM + GROUP BY + JOIN Let's now see how to total ages for each city. We can use the SUM() function to do this: SELECT cities.cityname, SUM(users.age) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname Which returns: cityname SUM(users.age) Coyote Springs null Las Vegas 40 Miami 37 Orlando 188 COUNT + GROUP BY + JOIN Suppose we want to see the number of users in each city. We would use the COUNT() function, like this: SELECT cities.cityname, COUNT(users.id) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname Which returns: cityname COUNT(users.id) Coyote Springs 0 Las Vegas 2 Miami 2 Orlando 3 AVERAGE + GROUP BY + JOIN Using the number of users in each city (COUNT) and the SUM of each city's combined user ages, we can compute the average age for each city. We simply divide the summed age by the number of users for each city: SELECT cities.cityname, SUM(users.age) AS sum, COUNT(users.id) AS count, SUM(users.age) / COUNT(users.id) AS average FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname Returning: cityname sum count average Coyote Springs null 0 null Las Vegas 40 2 20.0000 Miami 37 2 18.5000 Orlando 188 3 62.6667 Notice how the sum and calculated average results in a NULL value for Coyote Springs. This is because Coyote Springs has no users and therefore the summarized column cannot compute a numerical value. AVG + GROUP BY + JOINS The previous example used a calculation we entered to find an average age for each city. We could have used the AVG() function instead, as shown below: SELECT cities.cityname, AVG(users.age) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname This results in the same values as the previous example: cityname AVG(users.age) Coyote Springs null Las Vegas 20.0000 Miami 18.5000 Orlando 62.6667 Filtering Results Sometimes you will need to filter rows based on certain conditions. In this type of query, there are three stages where you can do that: WHERE, HAVING, and JOIN. Depending on the situation, each of these options can have a different outcome. It’s important to understand which to use when you want a specific result. Let's look at some examples to illustrate this. Using the JOIN Predicate Let's get the number of users under 30 in each city. We will use LEFT JOIN to retrieve cities without any user records: SELECT cityname, COUNT(users.id) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id AND users.age < 30 GROUP BY cities.cityname ORDER BY cities.cityname; The condition to include only users with ages lower than 30 is set in the JOIN predicate. This returns the following output: cityname COUNT(users.id) Coyote Springs 0 Las Vegas 1 Miami 2 Orlando 0 All cities are listed, and only those users with ages within range return a non-zero number. Cities without any users matching our criteria return a zero. What would have happened if we put the same filtering condition in the WHERE clause? Using WHERE Conditions If place the same conditions in the WHERE, it would look like this: SELECT cityname, COUNT(users.id) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id WHERE users.age < 30 GROUP BY cities.cityname ORDER BY cities.cityname; This will result in: cityname COUNT(users.id) Las Vegas 1 Miami 2 This is not what I expected; I wanted to get ALL cities and a count of their respective users aged less than 30. Even if a city had no users, it should have been listed with a zero count, as returned by the JOIN predicate example. The reason this didn’t return those records is because WHERE conditions are applied after the JOIN. Since the condition users.age < 30 removes all "Coyote Springs" and "Orlando" records, the summarized calculation can’t include these values. Only "Las Vegas" and "Miami" meet the WHERE conditions, so only "Las Vegas" and "Miami" are returned. In contrast, when the condition is applied in the JOIN predicate, user records with no matching age are removed before the two tables are joined. Then all the cities are matched by user columns, as you would expect when using a LEFT JOIN. This means that all cities will be part of the results; only user records that did not meet the users.age < 30 condition are filtered out. In this case, the JOIN predicate returns the desired outcome. Using HAVING Conditions We mentioned this is the first article, but we'll repeat it here: using the WHERE clause to filter summarized columns doesn't work. Look at the example below. SELECT cityname, COUNT(users.id) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id WHERE COUNT(users.id) > 2 GROUP BY cities.cityname ORDER BY cities.cityname; This causes the database to issue a complaint like this one from MySQL: Error Code: 1111. Invalid use of group function Instead, use the HAVING clause: SELECT cityname, COUNT(users.id) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname HAVING COUNT(users.id) > 2 ORDER BY cities.cityname; This returns the intended records (only cities with more than two users): cityname COUNT(users.id) Orlando 3 Dealing with NULLs Besides the edge cases already presented, it is important to consider something that isn't so obvious. Let's go back to the COUNT() example: SELECT cities.cityname, COUNT(users.id) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname This returns: cityname COUNT(users.id) Coyote Springs 0 Las Vegas 2 Miami 2 Orlando 3 If I had used COUNT(*) instead of COUNT(users.id), the total row count would have been generated. This would have given us an unintended value – in this case, a false "1" for "Coyote Springs". This result is due to the nature of the LEFT JOIN. Here is an example: SELECT cities.cityname, COUNT(*) FROM cities LEFT JOIN users ON cities.id = users.city_id GROUP BY cities.cityname This would return: cityname COUNT(users.id) Coyote Springs 1 Las Vegas 2 Miami 2 Orlando 3 So COUNT(*) is counting a "1" for Coyote Springs because the LEFT JOIN is returning a row with NULL values. Remember that in COUNT(*), a row with NULLs still counts. For the same reason, COUNT(users.id) returns the expected count of "0"; the users.id column value is null for Coyote Springs. In other words, always use Count(column) with this type of query. A Final Tip on Working with SQL Aggregate Functions Finally, I'd like to add that working with sql aggregate functions – especially when using JOINs – requires you understand SQL and the data you are working with. Try the queries in a smaller subset of your data first to confirm that all calculations are working as expected. If, possible, check some outputs against a reference value to validate your queries' outcomes. Keep in mind that using conditions in the JOIN predicate (after the ON) is not the same as filtering in the WHERE (or using HAVING). These can create subtle (or not so subtle) differences in your summarized data, which could result in hard-to-spot errors. Pay special attention to your filtering choices. As always, thanks for reading and please feel free to share your own experiences in the comments section. Tags: aggregate functions JOIN SQL basics