11 Aug 2024 Martyna Sławińska SQL Practice for Beginners: AdventureWorks Exercises Hone your SQL skills with hands-on exercises using the AdventureWorks sample database. Practice essential SQL features using real-world scenarios. Practicing SQL is important if you want to get better at using it. This article has 20 beginner-friendly exercises using the AdventureWorks sample database from Microsoft. This database is designed to show how SQL Server works. It represents a fictitious bicycle manufacturing company called AdventureWorks Cycles and includes five schemas: HumanResources, Person, Production, Purchasing, and Sales. Read more 11 Jul 2024 Martyna Sławińska 20 SQL WHERE Practice Exercises for Beginners In SQL, the WHERE clause filters data based on defined conditions. Read on to follow 20 WHERE practice exercises with beginner-friendly explanations and solutions. This article will review some of our SQL WHERE exercises. We’ll start by explaining the basic syntax, then we’ll examine 20 beginner-friendly exercises that come from the SQL courses listed below. These exercises cover the main uses of the WHERE clause and are perfect for practicing your SQL skills. Read more 27 Jun 2024 Martyna Sławińska PostgreSQL Date Functions Understanding date and time functions in your database is essential for effective data analysis and reporting. Read on to learn more about PostgreSQL date functions. This article covers some of the most useful PostgreSQL date and time functions and their applications in data analysis and reporting. SQL date functions facilitate different data analysis tasks, including sales analysis, financial reporting, website analytics, and more. This article presents you with the tools, in the form of PostgreSQL date and time functions, used to accomplish these tasks. Read more 9 May 2024 Martyna Sławińska SQL String Functions: A Complete Overview A review of all core SQL string functions, including their definitions and examples. SQL string functions manipulate string (including text and alphanumeric) values. Also known as text functions in SQL, string functions take one or more string values as an argument and return a modified string value. Check out this interactive course on Standard SQL Functions if you want more hands-on practice than this article includes. It provides 211 exercises on numeric SQL functions, string or text functions, date and time functions, and aggregate functions. Read more 4 Apr 2024 Martyna Sławińska SQL Numeric Functions Review all the SQL numeric functions, including their definitions and examples. SQL’s numeric functions perform operations on numbers. They take one or more numbers as arguments and return a number as output. Note that numbers may be of different data types, including integers, doubles, and floats. You can learn more about numeric and decimal data types here. SQL numeric functions can be divided into scalar and aggregate functions. Scalar functions compute a result for each input row individually. Read more 5 Feb 2024 Martyna Sławińska MySQL Practice: Best Exercises for Beginners These 15 MySQL exercises are especially designed for beginners. They cover essential topics like selecting data from one table, ordering and grouping data, and joining data from multiple tables This article showcases beginner-level MySQL practice exercises, including solutions and comprehensive explanations. If you need to practice … Selecting data from one table Ordering and grouping data Joining data from multiple tables … these 15 tasks are just for you! Read more 18 Jan 2024 Martyna Sławińska 18 SQL Questions for Beginners: Theory and Practice Whether you're starting or refreshing your SQL skills, join us as we work through these 18 SQL practice questions for beginners. SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a programming language used to define, retrieve, and manipulate data in relational databases. It provides an intuitive syntax of SQL statements and keywords that create, modify, and query relational databases. This article focuses on reviewing and practicing the basics of SQL. We’ll start by reviewing the SELECT statement and its required and optional components for fetching data from a single table. Read more 12 Dec 2023 Martyna Sławińska SQL Subquery Practice: 15 Exercises with Solutions Subqueries are often challenging for beginners. Practice makes perfect, so join us as we work through these 15 SQL subquery practice exercises! In SQL, a subquery is a query nested within another query. It simplifies building intricate queries to retrieve data that meets specific conditions from various tables. In this article, we present various ways of employing subqueries to create complex queries. We start by introducing SQL subqueries along with common use cases. Read more 10 Oct 2023 Martyna Sławińska 5 Easy SQL INNER JOIN Examples for Beginners Looking for a clear explanation of joins in SQL? Check out these five SQL INNER JOIN examples! In SQL, INNER JOINs can be a bit difficult for beginners to master. But once you start working with them, you’ll learn they’re very useful! Let’s discuss five examples of SQL INNER JOINs. But first, let’s do a quick review of why JOINs matter. In relational databases, data is organized and stored within tables. Read more 14 Sep 2023 Martyna Sławińska 11 SQL Window Functions Exercises with Solutions In this article, we present 11 practice exercises involving SQL window functions, along with solutions and detailed explanations. SQL window functions are a powerful feature that lets us extract meaningful insights from our data easily, yet few SQL courses offer SQL window functions exercises. This makes practicing window functions quite difficult. In this article, we’ll give you 11 practice exercises that feature window functions. All exercises shown in this article come from our interactive courses Window Functions and Window Functions Practice Set. Read more «« « 1 2 3 » »»