27 Apr 2023 Tihomir Babic How to Use the SQL RANK OVER (PARTITION BY) Ranking data in SQL is a breeze if you know how to use RANK() to rank over a partition. This article shows you how to do it, as well as how RANK() differs from DENSE_RANK() and ROW_NUMBER(). If you work with SQL in a professional setting, you have had to rank data at least once. Think of ranking months/years/quarters by revenue or costs, best-selling products, most viewed posts or streamed songs, employees by salary, most profitable branches, you name it. Read more 2 Apr 2021 Kateryna Koidan What Is the RANK() Function in SQL, and How Do You Use It? Who are your top 10 customers? Who are the top-performing employees in each department? To answer questions like these, you’ll need to rank the output of your SQL query. Let’s see how the RANK() function assists with ranking results in SQL. There are many use cases in which you might need to rank rows in SQL. You may want to rank customers based on the sales volume, students based on their exam results, company assets based on their present value, departments based on the number of employees, or users based on their date of registration. Read more 15 May 2020 Dorota Wdzięczna Overview of Ranking Functions in SQL SQL ranking functions make working with relational databases easier, especially for data analysts, marketers, and financial specialists. These functions are used to assign a ranking number for each record and allow you to efficiently create useful reports. SQL ranking functions are window functions. Window functions compute the result based on a set of rows. The word “window” refers to this set of rows. Let’s look at the syntax of ranking functions: Read more 25 Mar 2020 Kamil Bladoszewski How to Rank Rows in SQL: A Complete Guide Don’t struggle with SQL ranking functions anymore! This article will guide you through the most common ranking use cases. Rankings are used around us every day. Sports tournaments, the best movies and TV series on Netflix, stores with the cheapest products—these are only a few examples of rankings you might’ve seen recently. Using SQL RANK functions might be hard sometimes. The variety of different constructions is enormous. You can easily get lost in everything there is to learn about ranking. Read more