3 Nov 2021 Andrew Bone What Is the DELETE Statement in SQL? This article will explain the use of the DELETE statement, one of the primary methods of removing existing records from your database. First we will run through the syntax, followed by some easy-to-understand examples. The DELETE statement in SQL is extremely useful. It allows you to remove any obsolete or “bad” data from your database tables. You should exercise caution when using the DELETE statement, as the operation is not reversible. Read more 6 Jun 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna Using CASE with Data Modifying Statements What happens when you combine CASE with SQL's data modifying statements? Find out in this article. The CASE expression is a very useful part of SQL and one that you'll employ frequently. We've already covered what the CASE expression does, how to format it, and how to use it in a SELECT statement in "Using CASE to Add Logic to a SELECT". Another article, "How to Sort Records with the ORDER BY Clause" Read more