16 Jan 2024 Maria Durkin SQL CASE WHEN Explained: 10 Easy Examples for Beginners The CASE WHEN statement lets us make decisions on our data, categorizing and manipulating records based on specified conditions. Find out how to use CASE WHEN in this article. Imagine you're deciding what to wear for the day. You take out your umbrella if it's raining; if not, you leave it at home. This decision-making procedure is essentially the same as a SQL CASE WHEN statement. In the realm of SQL, the CASE WHEN statement functions much like an if-then-else expression, allowing us to create custom classifications within a query. Read more 30 Mar 2023 Nicole Darnley How to Use CASE WHEN in GROUP BY Learn how you can combine SQL CASE WHEN and GROUP BY to create custom categories in your SQL queries. Raw data, by its very nature, is not always human readable. Many times, the data you’re querying is in its most unformatted form. Examples of this include codes for different business departments or product SKUs that represent specific products. To the naked eye, these codes mean nothing, so pulling them into a report is not helpful for the person reading them. Read more 7 Oct 2021 Tihomir Babic How to Use CASE in ORDER BY in SQL This article will show you how and when to use CASE in an ORDER BY clause. Have you ever used a CASE statement? I’m sure you have, at least in a SELECT statement. But have you ever used it in an ORDER BY clause? No? You will, once I show you how! Don’t worry if you’ve never used a CASE statement. I’ll show and explain it to you with a short example. Read more 17 Aug 2021 Himanshu Kathuria How to Use CASE in SQL Updated on: February 19, 2024 If you need to evaluate multiple conditional statements, the SQL CASE statement will do the job. To effectively harness CASE in SQL, grasping its structure and practical uses is key. I'll guide you through real query examples showcasing the power of this versatile statement. Here’s what you need to know to use CASE like a pro. Why is CASE so important in SQL? If you’re analyzing or manipulating data, you’ll often want to define rules based on certain conditions, e. Read more 31 Mar 2021 Andrew Bone What Is CASE in SQL? SQL CASE is a very useful expression that provides if-else logic to your SQL queries. It’s a slightly more advanced topic, but you’ll need it when preparing reports – it will deliver massive value to your personal and professional projects. The SQL CASE statement is a control flow tool that allows you to add if-else logic to a query. Generally speaking, you can use the CASE statement anywhere that allows a valid expression – e. Read more 6 Jun 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna Using CASE with Data Modifying Statements What happens when you combine CASE with SQL's data modifying statements? Find out in this article. The CASE expression is a very useful part of SQL and one that you'll employ frequently. We've already covered what the CASE expression does, how to format it, and how to use it in a SELECT statement in "Using CASE to Add Logic to a SELECT". Another article, "How to Sort Records with the ORDER BY Clause" Read more 7 May 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna Using CASE to Add Logic to a SELECT As you write an SQL query, you may need to get values from multiple columns and change values from one form to another. The simple way to achieve this goal is to add a CASE expression to your SELECT statement. In this article, we'll introduce you to the syntax, formats, and uses of the CASE expression. The CASE expression is a conditional expression: it evaluates data and returns a result. Read more