7th Jan 2014 4 minutes read MySQL's group_concat Equivalents in PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, HSQLDB, and SQLite Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń MySQL Oracle PostgreSQL SQL SQLite Table of Contents The GROUP_CONCAT() function in MySQL GROUP_CONCAT() in PostgreSQL group_concat in Oracle group_concat in DB2 group_concat in HSQLDB group_concat in SQLite The GROUP_CONCAT() function in MySQL MySQL has a very handy function which concatenates strings from a group into one string. For example, let's take a look at the children table with data about parents' and children's names. parent_name child_name John Tom Michael Sylvie John Anna Michael Sophie To get the names of children of each person as a comma-separated string, you use the GROUP_CONCAT() function as follows: SELECT parent_name, group_concat(child_name) FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; The result: +-------------+--------------------------+ | parent_name | group_concat(child_name) | +-------------+--------------------------+ | John | Tom,Anna | | Michael | Sylvie,Sophie | +-------------+--------------------------+ To make sure the names of the children in each string are alphabetically ordered and to use semicolon ";" as a separator, use this query: SELECT parent_name, group_concat(child_name ORDER BY child_name asc separator ';') FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; The result: +-------------+--------------------------+ | parent_name | group_concat(child_name) | +-------------+--------------------------+ | John | Anna;Tom | | Michael | Sophie;Sylvie | +-------------+--------------------------+ In most other databases, there is no GROUP_CONCAT() function. Let's take a look at how you can aggregate strings in a group in other databases. GROUP_CONCAT() in PostgreSQL In PostgreSQL you use ARRAY_TO_STRING() and ARRAY_AGG() functions: SELECT parent_name, ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(child_name), ',') FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; The function ARRAY_AGG() returns an array of elements in the group, the function ARRAY_TO_STRING() concatenates the elemens in the array using the given separator. If you want to order the names in each group: SELECT parent_name, ARRAY_TO_STRING(ARRAY_AGG(child_name ORDER BY child_name ASC), ',') FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; Prior to version 8.4, you would have had to define the function ARRAY_AGG before using it: CREATE AGGREGATE ARRAY_AGG (anyelement) ( sfunc = array_append, stype = anyarray, initcond = '{}' ); From version 9.0 on, you can use the string_agg function: SELECT parent_name, string_agg(child_name, ',') FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; group_concat in Oracle In Oracle from version 11g you can use the LISTAGG function. SELECT parent_name, LISTAGG(child_name, ',') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY child_name) FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; Note that the WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY ...) clause is part of the LISTAGG function syntax so there's no way to concat strings without specifying the order. Prior to version 11g, StackOverflow recommends that you use the function: CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION get_comma_separated_value (input_val in number) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS return_text VARCHAR2(10000) := NULL; BEGIN FOR x IN (SELECT col2 FROM table_name WHERE col1 = input_val) LOOP return_text := return_text || ',' || x.col2 ; END LOOP; RETURN LTRIM(return_text, ','); END; And then use the query: SELECT parent_name, get_comma_separated_value(child_name) FROM children; I haven't tested it though. group_concat in DB2 In DB2 there is no handy function which could be used, so you have to use the WITH query: WITH children_numbered(rowNum, parent_name, child_name) AS ( SELECT rownumber() over(partition by parent_name), parent_name, child_name FROM children ), children_grouped (parent_name, list, idx) AS ( SELECT parent_name, child_name, 1 FROM children_numbered WHERE rowNum = 1 UNION ALL SELECT children_grouped.parent_name, children_grouped.list || ', ' || children_numbered.child_name, children_grouped.idx + 1 FROM children_grouped, children_numbered WHERE children_grouped.parent_name = children_numbered.parent_name AND children_grouped.idx + 1 = children_numbered.rowNum ) SELECT parent_name, list FROM children_grouped WHERE ( parent_name, idx ) IN ( SELECT parent_name, MAX(rowNum) FROM children_numbered GROUP BY parent_name ) ORDER BY 1 First you number each person's children (subquery children_numbered). Then, in the subquery children_grouped, you append each child's name one by one, separating the next name with a comma. Finally, you select rows where all children's names have been appended. Modify the query appropriately, if you need a specific ordering or separator. group_concat in HSQLDB HSQLDB syntax is quite similar to MySQL: SELECT parent_name, group_concat(child_name) FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; or with the order and separator: SELECT parent_name, group_concat(child_name ORDER BY child_name SEPARATOR ';') FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; group_concat in SQLite The syntax in SQLite is similar to MySQL: SELECT parent_name, group_concat(child_name) FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; SELECT parent_name, group_concat(child_name, ';') FROM children GROUP BY parent_name; However, you cannot specify the order using SQLite's group_concat function. To get the order, you have to use a subquery: SELECT parent_name, group_concat(child_name) FROM ( SELECT parent_name, child_name FROM children ORDER BY child_name ) GROUP BY parent_name; Tags: MySQL Oracle PostgreSQL SQL SQLite