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How the SQL Basics Course Boosted My Productivity

As a data analyst, switching from Excel to SQL was a game changer. In this article, I'll show you how completing’s SQL Basics course improved my productivity.

As a data analyst, I rely on data to analyze and plan my team’s workloads and deliveries. For years, I mostly used Excel for this – but as the amount of data grew, it became harder and harder to manage everything manually.

I Found a Better Way

My colleague recommended I try using SQL for processing data. He is more technically savvy than I am, so I took his advice and decided to try some online SQL courses. I hoped to find a different (and faster) way to manage large amounts of data and create reports.

I tried some video lessons and textbooks for learning SQL, but they were either taking too much of my time or were too broad for my specific needs. I later stumbled on a post in this blog about The Best Ways to Learn SQL. It mentioned several of their courses, and I again turned to my team for advice. People had positive feedback about the courses in the article, so I settled on the SQL from A to Z track.

I liked the idea of having one set of courses take me from a complete beginner to an SQL proficient (even though I don’t have professional programming experience). I tried the first course in the set, SQL Basics, and was pleasantly surprised.

An SQL Course for Those With No IT Experience

As a non-technical guy, right from the start of the course I was pleased that I didn't have to install or set up anything. Everything happened in the browser; I use Chrome, and it was as smooth as could be. I had a full overview of the database and the tools I needed right there.

The course starts with the very simplest topics. This was important to me, as I am not very familiar with programming.  It guided me through the basic syntax of SQL, moving from simple queries to JOINs and reporting functions.

Each interactive exercise builds upon the previous one. And the course authors ensure that I immediately practice what I’ve learned by pairing explanations with exercises; this made the whole process feel very rewarding. Also, the  SQL Basics Cheat Sheet was a great addition, considering I had to learn everything from scratch.


Another thing that surprised me was just how practical the whole course is. There was some basic theory at the start, but the majority of tasks taught me new concepts by having me use them to solve some realistic problem. I’d grown bored with the repetitive quizzes some other courses provide as a way of checking your knowledge, so this was a great change of environment.

The exercises were relatable on the professional level. Having tasks based on data that I would encounter during my work really helped me progress.


I also found the flow of the course really nice. I have a complicated schedule and fitting full scale lectures into my day is not an option for me, so I needed a self-paced course like those provided by I inserted short learning sessions in between my daily tasks, which allowed me to complete the course without making major sacrifices with my work. This low-risk approach has really boosted my motivation to finish the full track.

SQL Basics Was Just the Beginning

For me, the SQL Basics course was the missing link that enabled me to continue developing my professional skills. I will continue bettering my SQL abilities with the more advanced courses in the A to Z package. After reading through the Practice Guide, I’ve also made it a habit to do small exercises regularly, which gives me a nice break from my usual work routine. I’d recommend this to anyone who wants to stay sharp.

Since I started using my new SQL skills in performance reports, I've seen a real difference in how I work. For example, I can now pull specific data much faster, which has sped up my decision-making process. Instead of spending time sifting through spreadsheets, I can quickly generate the exact reports I need.

Knowing basic SQL has also helped me allocate tasks more efficiently among my team. By analyzing the data more thoroughly, I can see who is overloaded and who has more capacity, making it easier to balance the workload. It’s made our team more productive overall.

I’ve also noticed that my whole approach to data has changed. I’m thinking faster when putting together reports. I’m asking better, more focused questions. Instead of just accepting the numbers at face value, I’m digging deeper to understand what they really mean for our business.

Will You Use This Basic SQL Course to Improve Your Skills?

If you're unsure about taking the SQL Basics course, I highly recommend it. The course is thorough yet easy to follow, and it has made a significant difference in my productivity. Even better, you can try it with no risk – just create a free account and do the first few exercises. It won’t cost you anything to try, and you'll see how awesome it is.

Thanks to’s SQL Basics course, I'm now able to contribute to my team more effectively and make better use of our data.