30 Mar 2023 Nicole Darnley How to Use CASE WHEN in GROUP BY Learn how you can combine SQL CASE WHEN and GROUP BY to create custom categories in your SQL queries. Raw data, by its very nature, is not always human readable. Many times, the data you’re querying is in its most unformatted form. Examples of this include codes for different business departments or product SKUs that represent specific products. To the naked eye, these codes mean nothing, so pulling them into a report is not helpful for the person reading them. Read more 14 Feb 2023 Nicole Darnley Data Cleaning in SQL Data cleaning is an important part of any data analysis. Here we’ll discuss techniques you can use to do data cleaning in SQL. I find it nearly impossible to focus on work when my desk is a mess. If it’s cluttered with paper, coffee mugs, or random toys my daughter has somehow snuck into my office, there is no chance I will be able to get anything done until my desk is back in order. Read more 9 Feb 2023 Nicole Darnley Learn SQL for Data Analysis with LearnSQL.com Updated on: December 1, 2023 Discover how to learn SQL for data analysis and start making sense of your data today. Our guide provides a clear and simple SQL learning path for data analysts, helping you query databases and analyze data with ease. Whether you're starting from scratch or looking to polish your skills, we'll help you every step of the way. When I was in high school, I planned to go to college and major in interior design. Read more 5 Jan 2023 Nicole Darnley UNION and UNION ALL in SQL Explained In this article, we’ll explore the SQL clauses UNION and UNION ALL. Learn what they do and when to use each one. I had been an analyst for probably four years before I knew about the SQL clause UNION ALL. I used UNION on a regular basis, but had never heard of its counterpart. Then one day when I heard a coworker talking about it. I thought to myself, “What is he talking about? Read more 20 Dec 2022 Nicole Darnley How to Use WHERE with GROUP BY in SQL In this article, we’ll discuss how to combine the WHERE and GROUP BY clauses in SQL. If you’re writing SQL on a daily basis, you will quickly realize how often both WHERE and GROUP BY clauses are used. WHERE is an essential part of most queries. It allows you to filter large datasets to only the pieces you are interested in. GROUP BY is one of the most powerful tools an analyst has when aggregating data. Read more «« « 1 2 » »»