18 Jun 2019 Dorota Wdzięczna 24 Rules to the SQL Formatting Standard Writing queries to a database requires knowledge about SQL syntax, but this is not all you should know. Best practices for writing professional SQL code require good formatting skills. In this article I discuss why this is so important and what are the basic rules you should follow. Why is it Worthwhile to Format SQL Code? Beginner SQL programmers often don't pay much attention to formatting their code. If you think formatting is something that can be safely ignored, look at the code below: Read more 19 Mar 2019 Dorota Wdzięczna 14 Differences Between Standard SQL and Transact-SQL In my last article, I roughly described how standard SQL differs from T-SQL and who should learn which. Now I'd like to focus on the syntax differences and illustrate these differences with examples. If you think T-SQL is an extension implementing all the features from standard SQL, you aren't right. However, in SQL Server you will find almost all the features of the SQL standard. In this article you will find examples of some of the differences in syntax between standard SQL and Transact-SQL. Read more 19 Feb 2019 Dorota Wdzięczna What's the Difference Between SQL and T-SQL? If you are beginning to learn SQL and are confused by the differences between standard SQL and other similar languages like T-SQL, this article will help make things clear. You’ll not only learn about the difference between SQL and T-SQL but also find explanations concerning which topics would be better to start learning first: standard SQL or something more specific like MS SQL Server. What is Standard SQL? SQL (Structured Query Language) is a basic ANSI/ISO standard programming language designed to operate on data stored in relational databases. Read more 8 Oct 2018 Dorota Wdzięczna Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Installation Step by Step Microsoft SQL Server is one of the most popular professional database servers on the market. In this guide, I’ll show you all SQL Server 2017 installation steps to help you install it on the Windows operating system together with SQL Management Studio. If you want to learn T-SQL, the dialect of SQL used in SQL Server, check out our SQL from A to Z in MS SQL Server track. Read more 24 Jul 2018 Dorota Wdzięczna Our Picks for 2020’s 7 Best Online SQL Schools If you’re looking for the best online SQL courses but aren’t sure where to start, you’re in the right place. I evaluated the top 7 ranked SQL schools available online to help you find the right solution. While summer is a great time to relax and get away from work, it’s also an excellent opportunity to learn new skills – like SQL! Thanks to SQL schools putting their courses on the internet, learning new tech skills is super easy and you can choose from a variety of formats to suit your needs. Read more 6 Apr 2018 Dorota Wdzięczna New LearnSQL.com Online Practice: SQL Practice Set If you’re looking to retrieve any kind of information from a database, you need to speak its language. But querying databases is an art—and it demands practice. That’s why we created our SQL practice set: a pack of SQL online practice exercises meant to help you master your skills. We spend a lot of time not only developing new courses but also speaking with our users and learning what they expect from SQL online practice exercises. Read more 23 Nov 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna SQL Hacks To Control Family Budget On Black Friday Weekend If you’re in the US, chances are you’ve been eagerly awaiting the approach of Black Friday just as much as Thanksgiving. Though the shopping frenzy takes hold of nearly everyone, some people have to stick to their budgets and shop prudently. In this article, we’ll take a look at how generating an SQL report can help you track how much your family spent shopping on Black Friday. Storing Black Friday Purchases in a Database Before we can create an SQL report, we first need some data we can use. Read more 25 Oct 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna 16 SQL Interview Questions for Business Analysts Updated on: June 2, 2024 For business analysts, SQL skills are incredibly important. That’s why SQL interview questions are a major part of the hiring process. These questions test key SQL concepts and how they apply to data analysis. In this article, we’ll go over some of the most common SQL interview questions for business analysts. Our goal is to give you the insights you need to do well in your interview and move forward in your career. Read more 28 Sep 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna An Illustrated Guide to Multiple Join So far, our articles in the "An Illustrated Guide" series have explained several join types: INNER JOINs, OUTER JOINs (LEFT JOIN, RIGHT JOIN, FULL JOIN), CROSS JOIN, self-join and non-equi join. In this final article of the series, we show you how to create SQL queries that match data from multiple tables using one or more join types. Join Types in SQL Queries Before we start discussing example SQL queries that use multiple join types, let's do a short recap of the join types we've covered so far, just to be sure you understand the differences. Read more 24 Sep 2017 Dorota Wdzięczna An Illustrated Guide to the SQL Non Equi Join Did you know that in SQL, a join doesn’t have to be based on identical matches? In this post, we look at the SQL non equi join, which uses ‘non-equal’ operators to match records. We’ve already discussed several types of joins, including self joins and CROSS JOIN, INNER JOIN and OUTER JOIN. These types of joins typically appear with the equals sign (=). However, some joins use conditions other than the equals (=) sign. Read more «« « 1 2 3 4 » »»