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New Monthly Challenge for August 2020!

A new month always brings new challenges. The August Monthly Challenge on is ready! This month, we invite you to support Mike in his first year of boarding school while testing your SQL knowledge.

The SQL Challenge is a set of several exercises to help you practice your SQL skills. Each challenge is centered around a specific theme—food, stars, planets, travels, work, school, etc. The exercises within a challenge are interrelated, but you can do them in whatever order you want. delivers one SQL Challenge every month to provide you with an opportunity to practice SQL. It won’t take long to complete a challenge; in about an hour, you can reinforce your SQL knowledge or even learn something new!

In the August 2020 SQL Challenge, you will get to know Mike, a teenager who will be going to the boarding school for the first time in his life. You will support him in his preparation for the year and during the school year. Sounds cool? If you have taken our "SQL Basics" and "Standard SQL Functions" courses, it won’t be too hard. Don’t worry if you get stuck, though. We will help you with hints.

Come back to school and have fun!