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New Monthly SQL Practice for October 2021!

Do you have fundamental SQL knowledge? Do you know how to write basic SQL queries and join more than one table? If the answer is yes, you have a chance to test your knowledge by solving business problems with a new SQL Practice, available every month on

The October SQL Practice is at the basic level. You will check your SQL skills with data about a furniture store. Currently, the store operates only in Cleveland, Ohio in the U.S., but the owner wants it to become a bigger and better business that serves customers around the U.S., not only in Cleveland!

Perhaps this is the first time you’ve come across our Monthly SQL Practices. offers one free SQL Practice each month: at the basic level in the even months and at the advanced level in the odd months. Each SQL Practice takes about an hour (or less!) and contains 5 to 10 SQL exercises to help you practice your SQL skills.

Each Monthly SQL Practice features a different business or hobby. We’ve had topics including a construction company, family tree, language school, book exchange, job agency, rental cars, stars and astronomy, auto repair, baking, pizza, movies, U.S. cities, clothing retail, and more.

In our October 2021 SQL Practice, you’ll meet Dean who runs a business in Cleveland. He would like to know about his customers and their needs. Can you help them gather the needed information by using SQL? It shouldn’t be too hard if you have finished our SQL Basics course, so don’t worry.

Remember to use the hints, and have fun!