22nd Apr 2020 One minute reading New SQL Monthly Challenge for April 2020! LearnSQL.com Team Monthly SQL practice The new Monthly Challenge on LearnSQL.com is ready! In April, we invite you to test your SQL knowledge with data from another area of business: automobile repair. What is an SQL Challenge? It is a set of 5 to 10 SQL exercises, prepared for people who want to sharpen their SQL skills. Each challenge is centered around a specific theme. Do you like pizza? One of the challenges focuses on this miracle of Italian cuisine. Do you prefer to look at the stars? There will be something for you also, with tasks involving space and planets. The exercises in each challenge are interrelated. Every month, LearnSQL.com delivers one SQL Challenge. You will have the opportunity to practice with SQL, and it won’t take more than an hour to complete each challenge. In the April 2020 SQL Challenge, you will get to know Terry, the owner of a car parts store and repair workshop. Your goal will be to help him expand his company. Does this sound interesting? If you have taken our “SQL Basics” and “SQL JOINs” courses, it won’t be too hard. However, if you get stuck, don’t worry. We can help you with hints. Have fun! Tags: Monthly SQL practice