7 Jan 2014 Agnieszka Kozubek-Krycuń MySQL's group_concat Equivalents in PostgreSQL, Oracle, DB2, HSQLDB, and SQLite The GROUP_CONCAT() function in MySQL MySQL has a very handy function which concatenates strings from a group into one string. For example, let's take a look at the children table with data about parents' and children's names. if (typeof VertabeloEmbededObject === 'undefined') {var VertabeloEmbededObject = "loading";var s=document.createElement("script");s.setAttribute("type","text/javascript");s.setAttribute("src", "https://my.vertabelo.com/js/public-model/v1/api.js");(document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement ).appendChild(s);} parent_name child_name John Tom Michael Sylvie John Anna Michael Sophie To get the names of children of each person as a comma-separated string, you use the GROUP_CONCAT() function as follows: Read more «« « 1 2 3 » »»